Sunday, June 1, 2008

Butt Whoopin'

I have been doing Weight Watchers for a week and a half, and so far I really love it. I have heard people talk about 'points', and thought that it wouldn't work. But it makes alot of sense. It is easier to count 'points' than it is to count calories. I am not going to meetings, but doing the online version. My biggest roadblock is eating one thing I shouldn't, and then feeling like I screwed up my whole diet, so I may as well just eat what I want. That is my slippery slope. But with Weight Watchers, I am able to eat what I want without cheating. Nothing is really off the menu. It just takes more of my points. I have an extra 'weekly' points that I can use for a treat day, that I usually try to stay away from, but I know that it is there. It is alot easier to not eat that doughnut, when I know that I can. It makes little sense, but it works for me.

I am also going to the gym and working out with a trainer. She is kicking my ass! I am going 3 days a week, and after I am done, I can hardly walk. I don't really like it much. But hopefully it will whip my butt into shape. It is hard excersizing when I feel so fat. But I guess it is the only way to not be as fat.


Lobdell family said...

Jamie, you are doing great. I can't wait to see you and your kiddos!!!

Mackenzie and JT said...

I am proud you for working out 3 times a week. that is the hardest part. f you get in habit of that... then you re set!
I find it hard to know where to start when I work out. JT asks me "what is an area on your body that you are most concerned about, and start there" So Everything is a concern to me... that is a hard first step!

mostly Stacy said...

I've always wondered what you do at weight watchers. Is it like "My name is Jamie and I'm and alcholic?" What's the purpose of meetings?

Brookie said...

i read your coment about diet coke, and laughed. i feel the same about coffee. although i dont feel it hurts me, it only has 15 calories and i typicaly only drink 6oz per day. Also, no carbination.

Merrady said...

hi jamie!! i was reading from blog to blog of all our fun cousins, and got to yours. it's so cool that you're doing this. i noticed last year that i was exhausted all the time, so i've gotten really into nutrition. i've read tons of books, and changed the way i eat entirely. i've lost weight, and feel amazing. now that i eat healthy i end up cooking for myself, and 'spoiling' myself so much more. i really recommend 'french women don't get fat', and '50 secrets of the world's longest living people'. they're both short and fun, and really help you rethink food. i keep clear containers stocked with brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and couscous; a supply of cans of different beans, chickpeas, and diced tomatoes. and every week i buy cooking greens, dark lettuce, veggies, and fruits. i have no excuse to eat out or eat junk, because i don't keep anything in the house. wow, i'm rambling, but anyway,you can do it!!
love you,
p.s. it's in the books, but quitting diet coke will make a dramatic difference, and also getting anything processed out of your diet. =)