Monday, June 9, 2008

Weight Loss Tracker

Here is my 'Weight Loss Tracker'. It is kind of fun to see the progress. I am currently on week 2 (the first week I am not counting because it was just a couple of days). The 'goal' line is not my actual goal. It is 10% of my total weight goal. I have decided to break it up into different milestones. That is my first major milestone. I started at 214 (from Hawaii), and am down to 206.4. The weight loss is slower and steadier, but I am ok with it. It really seems sustainable. I have different goals with my trainer. She says I should be able to lose 10lbs a month, and she said that I should lose 8-10 inches in my mid-section in the first month. We started this a week ago, Saturday (when she measured me). I am having a good time keeping track of everything. It doesn't seem so daunting anymore. I even look forward to my butt-kicking with Lilly (then when I go, I am hating life).


Lobdell family said...

Great job Jamie!!! Keep it up.

Brookie said...

that goal traker is awsome. good job so far. 10 lbs a month hu? that would be sweet, you'll be back to your old self before you know it. keep it up.

Alisha said...

I have always wanted to work with a trainer. Great job! Are you still working toward the 5K? I would love to run/walk one with you in the fall.