Sunday, March 1, 2009

hCG Diet Week 3

Day 18: 201.4. No weight loss today. So sad. Oh well, I guess it happens. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Day 19: 201. I was hoping for more, I seem to have slowed down. I hope that I can meet my goal of 30 pounds, now I am starting to doubt. I wonder if I should do an apple day...or do I have to wait?


Alisha said...

Keep up the good work Jamie! Thanks for sharing your success, its very motivating.

Brookie said...

can you chew sugarless gum to curb the sweet cravings?? that's what i do when i want candy. and i eat dark chocolate when i need a little extra. coffee is good for you with out the sugar. 8 oz per day speeds you metabolism and gives you energy. all it is is beans so no harmful preservatives, and chemicals the body cant handle.