Tuesday, March 17, 2009

hcg Diet Week 4

Day 25: 197.2. I still feel good. I don't really get hungry...just jealous of all the fabulous things everyone else is eating. Ed took the kids to Chili's, I stayed home with the baby.
Day 26 196.4. I am getting worried about when I go off this diet. Am I going to be able to keep the weight off? If history tells me anything, the answer is NO! I keep thinking that I can once again eat those things in 18 days...but when I ate those things before, is how I got fat! We will see how I handle it. I think that I am going to be restrictive 6 out of 7 days, and eat what I want on the 7th day.
Day 27: 195.8. Every day there is a loss, so that is awesome. I am feeling really good about where I am at. I only am really getting hungry at night. I try to eat only 1 meal a day spread throughout the day.
Day 28: 195. I was really hungry last night, so I broke down and ate my daily allowance of starch (saltine crackers). I think that I would have lost a full pound had I not done that :(. Oh well, I will try harder today.
Day 29: 193.8. I really worked on losing that full pound and look at me! That puts me at 20.2 llbs lost. I only need to lose 9.8 more to reach my goal of 30 lbs in 40 days! 15 more days to go!
Day 30: 193.4. I am going to Oregon for the weekend. I hope I am fine and stay away from the snacks.
Day 31: ???. I weighed myself on Grandma Wendy's scale. It says that I am down to 190...that would be awesome. My goal for this trip is to get down to 191 - that is out of the embarrassing 'obese' category of BMI Standards.

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